Dialogue Encounter Groups 

Throughout the past 13 years, Sia’h Shalom has inspired 1,000 participant leaders to enter into sustained dialogue with those who hold views radically different from their own, establishing groups of 8 to 14 participants who meet monthly for 6 to 12 months. 

Kinds of Groups (In the Past 12 Months):

Internal Dialogue Encounters

Jewish Israeli—Jewish Israeli
10 Groups, 140 participants

Arab Israeli—Palestinian
3 Groups, 40 participants

14 Groups 200 participants

Intergroup Dialogue Encounters

6 groups, 80 participants





2022–23 Spotlight on Our Arab Israeli—Palestinian Groups

In the past year alone, Sia’h Shalom created and facilitated 14 Intra Arab–Palestinian groups with approximately 200 participants. Working with our Palestinian coordinator, groups have been convened in Bethlehem, Ramallah, Al-Azaria, Zebabdah, Hevron (Khalil), Jericho, Abu Dis, Alezareth and Bet Sahour. 

In response to the unrest that erupted in “mixed” Arab-Israeli cities in spring 2021, we began to understand the nuanced and profound polarities that exist not only between Arabs and Jews but also between Arab Palestinians and Arab Israelis. Thus, Intra Arab–Palestinian encounter groups have been created, which include the following combinations: 

  • East Jerusalem Palestinians with Arab Israeli Social Workers from Lod
  • East Jerusalem Palestinian Women and Arab Women from the North
  • East Jerusalem and Bedouin Women from Rahat (in the Negev)

Meeting locations for the above groups alternate between an Israeli-Arab location and an East Jerusalem location. Vast differences and significant tensions exist among the members of these groups. Sia’h Shalom encounters may be the first time these Arabs and Palestinians have ever visited the communities of their co-participants. 

A Snapshot of an Intergroup Dialogue Encounter

Arab-Israeli and Israeli-Jewish groups meet in the North.

